15 March 2013

Urutan Pengerjaan Tune Up

Pengerjaan tune up harus berurutan, Tujuannya agar tidak terjadi pengulangan pekerjaan karena servis komponen tertentu berpengaruh terhadap komponen lain.
Urutan-urutannya adalah sebagai berikut Hehehe....:
1. Saringan udara ( air filter) 
    Saringan udara terlebih dahulu harus diservis dibandingkan dengan komponen yang lain, karena saringan udara merupakan komponen mesin yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap komponen lain yang jika diservis belakangan
2. Platina
    platina perlu disetel dulu sebelum menyetel saat pengapian
3. Kabel Busi
    setelah menyetel platina, tutup distributor tidak perlu segera dipasang. periksa kondisi tutup distributor beserta kabel-kabelnya.
4. Tutup Distributor
5. Accu
    cek tinggi air accu, bersihkan kutub-kutub accu dari jamur dan karat, tidak lupa berat jenis air accu dan kondisi tegangannya
6. Busi
    Pada tahap ini sebaikkan sekaligus mengecek tekanan kompresi

08 March 2013

Kelistrikan pengapian pada sepeda motor menggunakan platina

Sistem pengapian menggunakan platina sering kita anggap ketinggalan jaman, tapi meski demikian sistem pengapian platina benar-benar telah terbukti ketanguhannya. Buktinya masih banyak disekitar kita kendaraan yang masih menggunakan sistem ini, lebih-lebih untuk para penggemar motor antik, untuk segi perawatan tentunya kita harus tahu skema dari sistem pengapiannya. da dua jenis dari sistem pengapian platina. yang pertama penyalaan baterai dan yang kedua penyalaan spull. Berikut untuk mengingatkan atas kejayaan platina silahkan lihat gambar berikut ini:

Gambar pengapian platina penyalaan baterai
yang kedua sistem pengapian platina yang menggunakan penyalaan spull....berikut gambarnya...

Gambar pengapian platina penyalaan spull

06 March 2013

The Workings of the Motor Starter ( part 3 )

3. At the starter switch off
Starter motor started off
After the starter switch turned to off, and the main switch in the state open (yet free from contact plate). The flow of current is as follows:
- terminal 30 - play switch terminal C - Field coil - anker - mass

Because the starter switch is turned off then the pull-in coil and hold coil does not get in the flow of the terminal 50 instead of terminal C so that the current flow will be:

- terminal 30 - play switch - terminal C - Pull-in coil - hold-in coil -  mass

Since the current pull-in coil and hold coil in the opposite direction of the magnetic force generated is also opposite each other so that both eliminate,
this resulted in the return spring force can restore the contact plate to its original position. Thus the drive clutch lever and pull the starter pinion gear apart from docking.

The Workings of the Motor Starter (part 2)

2. At full regard pinion
Starter motor started playing
When the pinion gear is fully associated with the ring gear, the contact plate will begin to close the play switch, see figure above. At this current will flow as follows:
- terminal 50 - hold in coil - mass
- play switches - terminal C - field coil - anker - mass

As in the picture above there is a current in terminal C, then from the pull-in coil current can not flow, resulting in the contact plate being held by the hold-in coil magnetism alone. At the same time a large current will flow from the battery to the coil mass anker field through play switches. Consequently starter can produce a large torque that used rotating ring gear. When the motor is started living, the ring gear will rotate through the pinion anker. To avoid damage to the starter due to these conditions, the starter clutch will hold harmless and indemnify anker of excessive rotation.

02 March 2013

The Workings of the Motor Starter (part 1)

1. At Starter Switch ON
Motor starter at the position "start on"
When the starter switch is turned ON, the battery current flows through the coil to hold mass in the other hand and pull in coil, field coil and to the masses through anker. At this time hold and pull-in coil form a magnetic force in the same direction, because the direction of the current flowing in the two coils. From this incident contact plate (plunger) will move toward closing play switch, thus shifting the starter drive clutch lever moves toward the position relating to the ring gear. To more clearly the current flow is as follows:

- terminal 50 - hold in coil - mass
- terminal 50 - pull-in coil - field coil - anker- mass

Therefore, the current flowing into the coil field at that time, relatively small then anker spin slower and allow docking with the ring gear pinion becomes soft. In this situation the contact plate switch has not closed games.


 Komponen-komponen penting pada sistem pengapian menggunakan platina
  1. Charge Coil (Spul)
Fungsinya untuk mengisi kondensor dengan muatan listrik 

  1. Fly Wheel Magneto
Fungsinya untuk membangkitkan listrik .

  1. Platina