At full regard pinion

When the pinion gear is fully associated with the ring gear, the contact plate will begin to close the play switch, see figure above. At this current will flow as follows:
Battery - terminal 50 - hold in coil - mass
Batteries - play switches - terminal C - field coil - anker - mass
As in the picture above there is a current in terminal C, then from the pull-in coil current can not flow, resulting in the contact plate being held by the hold-in coil magnetism alone. At the same time a large current will flow from the battery to the coil mass anker field through play switches. Consequently starter can produce a large torque that used rotating ring gear. When the motor is started living, the ring gear will rotate through the pinion anker. To avoid damage to the starter due to these conditions, the starter clutch will hold harmless and indemnify anker of excessive rotation.
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